What,How & Why Digital Marketing

Marketing is the process of getting potential clients or customers interested in your products and services. Marketing involves researching,promoting,selling and distributing your products or services.

Marketing is of two types-

  • Traditional Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing-
Traditional marketing is the type of marketing that is not online. It refers to print,broadcast, direct mail,phone and outdoor advertising like billboards. From newspapers to radio. This method of marketing helps to reach targeted audiences.
Traditional marketing is not only one of the oldest forms of marketing but also one of the most researched  market. Traditional marketing plays an important part in reaching local audiences. Ads can be kept for long period of time.

Digital Marketing-
Inversely digital marketing is well digital and available in online.Digital marketing is any marketing company conducts online, such as paid social media ads, email marketing and PPC advertising. Digital marketing has become wildly popular due the cultural, technological and social shifts around us.
Digital marketing is essential for business today. It's become routine for consumers to conduct research and make purchases online.

The Opportunities in Digital Marketing

1) What is digital marketing?
  • The art of getting customers for a business via online & digital medium.
  • Some of the digital marketing services are social media,search engine,email marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing and so on.
  • Digital marketing is much more complex then traditional marketing like newspapers,TV,radio and magazine ads.
2)Why digital marketing is the next big-thing?
  • In earlier people used to consume content via TV,Newspapers,Magazines & Radio.
  • But know a days people using facebook,youtube,Reading blogs & so on.
  • These change in behaviour of consumer in daily life make digital marketing is next big things.
  • We have to advertise where people hangout.
  • Companies need digital marketing help to manage ad campaigns & they will pay 10% on ad spends as salary or commission.
  • India has the second largest internet user base in world after china.
3) What's are opportunity in digital marketing?
  • With digital marketing we can do personal branding. Helps with jobs and entrepreneurship.
  • We can help other companies as a consultant an employee.
4) Who can learn Digital marketing?
  • Anyone can learn. Subject of study does not matter. No tech background needed.
  • You only need a computer and internet connection to learn and become digital marketing expert.
5)How to learn Digital marketing?
  • Best way to learn is self-learn only with a guide.
  • Books may not help because digital marketing is a fast changing field.
  • Learn from lessons,practice and grow.

Thank You....


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