Attitude Is Everything : Change your Attitude , Change your Life !

Attitude Is Everything : Change Your Attitude.. Change your Life !

Attitude is the way of see the world. The way of looking the world & other is describe your Attitude. Here is a book by Jeff Keller-Attitude is Everything is one of the best motivational book of the decade.

Some people have positive attitude , they find the positive things in every negative situation. They always try to find the positive in all situation at the same time they attract the positive thoughts. Just like positive attitude negative attitude take a major role in everyone's life. Negative attitude is just opposite of positive attitude . Some people have negative attitude if  you give everything what they want , then they can't happy and they blame himself or other because of their negative attitude.

Author says -"Your Attitude is your window to world."

You always need to clear the window to see the world positive.In some points of life where life stares throwing some dirt at our mental window.metal window is our physical mind.Some of those dirts are disappointment & rejection,criticism,comparison etc. If we always focus on these dirts at the same time we lost our positivity. At the same time you can't live your life happy.

Author says- "You Always have a choice."
Here we have 2 choices -
1. We have blame for what we don't have .
2.  Forget that & make a plan with your positive attitude to make them true in your future.

Author says -" You are a Human magnet."
"Whenever you think you can or can't ....You are a right person in the world"                   - Henry Ford -
Here Jeff gives some keywords for success.If you follow those keywords it can impact to your life.You might be surprised to learn that the same keyword are also the key to failure.

We became what we think about - if we always think about a goal then we increase one step to achieve our goal.This process may work or may not be , It purely depends on our believe system.All great writers ,philosophers leaders have agreed that our thought determine action . We must have the self confidence or mindset for "Nothing is Impossible for me". When you read this you must have increase your positive attitude at the same time you take the action . If you can't take any action of your positive attitude then you are on the way of failure.
           "Remember our thoughts create our Reality."
Some people said that failure is a option only in your life.But failure is act just like a speed breaker in our life for test our positive attitude in our life only. You can change your life -Mentally, Physically,Financially...

Author provide these steps to become more positive and get the result early.
1. Everyday 20-30 min read some positive article or books . (It depends on you what you want to read.)
2. Everyday watch some motivational video or audio program.( Not all the day.)

"Every Problem have their own hidden blessings.😊😊😊"
At the end of every problem you ask yourself what you learn from it.Whatever we have in our life is a gift or given by our attitude. Attitude is one of the best principle of our  successful life. Success is always begins with our thought process. So always think right. Always speak thoughtfully because what you speak it depends on your attitude , It describes what type of people you are.Always act purposefully, your action can draw your image and your image can define what type of person you are.

Thank You.

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