What is AWS?

What is AWS?

  • AWS stands for Amazon Web Services.
  • Amazon Web Service is a subsidiary of Amazon.com that provides on demand cloud computing platform to individual companies and government on a paid subscription basis with a free-tier option available for 12 months.
  • AWS  uses distributed IT infrastructure to provide different IT resources available on demand. It provides different services such as infrastructure as a service(IaaS), Platform as a service(Paas) and package software as a service(SaaS).
  • Amazon launched AWS a cloud computing platform to allow the different organizations to take advantage of reliable IT infrastructure.AWS is a secure cloud services platform offering compute power,database storage,content delivery and other functionality to help business scale and grow.

Uses of AWS-

  • A small manufacturing organization uses their expertise to expand their business by leaving their IT management to the AWS.
  • A large enterprise spread across the globe can utilize the AWS to deliver the training to the distributed workforce.
  • An architecture consulting company can use AWS to get the high-compute rendering of construction prototype.
  • A media company can use the AWS to provide different types of content such as ebox or audio files to the worldwide.
It provides-
  1. A secure cloud services platform
  2. Offers computing platform
  3. Database storage
  4. Content Delivery
One of the best part is it works with Pay-as-you-go pricing i.e the less you use the less you pay & the more you use the more you pay.

Advantages of AWS-

1) Flexibility-
It provides effortless hosting of legacy application. AWS does not require learning new new technologies and migration of applications to the AWS provides the advanced computing. AWS also offers a choice that whether we want to run the applications and services together or not. We can also choose to run a part of the IT infrastructure in AWS and the remaining part in data centers.

2) Elasticity-
The term elastic means balancing techniques are automatically scaled up or down, When demand increases or decreases respectively. AWS techniques are ideal for handling unpredictable or very high loads.Due to this reason, organisations enjoy the benefits of reduced cost and increased user satisfaction.

3) Cost-effectiveness-
AWS requires no upfront investment,long-term commitment and minimum expense when compared to traditional IT infrastructure that requires a huge investment.

4) Security-
AWS provide end-to-end security and privacy to customers. AWS has a virtual infrastructure that offers optimum availability while managing full privacy and isolation of their operations. AWS ensures the three aspects of security. These are confidentiality, Integrity and availability of users data.

The Services AWS offers-

Amazon S3-
It is  an object storage that can store and retrieve data from anywhere. S3 is internet backup service. It was the cheapest object storage in AWS.

AWS Datatransfer-
AWS has a number of data transfer services i.e Kinesis,import/export snowball and direct content. Here data is collected by users , realtime retrieve of the data is possible.

Amazon EC2-
Provides secure and resizable compute capacity. Design to make web-scale cloud computing easier.

Amazon SNS-
SNS stands for Simple Notification Service. It is a type of mobile push and notification system. It enables messages to be delivered across a large number of subscribers. It provides services to mobile devices by updating them through email and messages.

Amazon KMS-
KMS stands for Key Management System. It integrated into most other AWS services, it helps create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt the user data.

Amazon Lambda-
It is a compute service that executes code only when needed and scales automatically.

Route-53 -
It is a type of DNS web service designed to give developer and business a reliable and cost-effective method to route users to internet application.

Thank You....


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