What is PHP ?

What is PHP ? PHP is an open source ,interpreted and object oriented scripting language that can be executed at server side. PHP is well suited for web-development. Therefore it is used to develop web application.An application that is executed on the server and generates the dynamic page. PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 but appeared in the market in 1995 . PHP 7.46 is the latest version of PHP which was released on 14 May 2020. Some of the important points to be noticed about PHP are as follows- PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor but some time it is called Personal Home Page. PHP is an interpreted language i.e there is no need for compilation. PHP is faster than other scripting languages for example ASP & JSP. PHP is server side scripting language,which is used to manage dynamic content of website. PHP is an embedded into HTML. PHP is an object-oriented language. PHP is open source scripting language. PHP is simple and easy to learn language. PHP runs on...