What is Java?
- Java is a computer programming language that enforces an Object Oriented Programming model.
- Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Micro System in 1995.
- Java is created by James Gosling.
- Java is platform independent programming language that follows the logic of "Write once,Run anywhere".
- Java can be used to create complete applications that may run on a single computer or can be distributed among servers and client in a network.
Java Features
Java is easy to learn and its Syntax is quite simple,clean and easy to understand. The confusing and ambiguous concept of c++ are either left out in java or they have been re-implemented in a cleaner way.
High performance-
Although java is an interpreted language. It was designed to support "Just-in-time" compiler ,which dynamically compile bytecodes to machine code.
Java can be used to develop virus-free systems. Java is secure because-
- Java programs runs inside virtual machine sandbox to prevent any actively from untrusted sources.
- In C/C++ we have pointer concept so any one can access the address by using pointer. But in java there is no use of explicit pointers.
- Java checks the code during the compilation time and run time.
- Java completely takes care of memory allocation and releasing time, which makes java more reliable. Here is a concept of Garbage Collection When a perticular memory is not utilize by your program java automatically release the memory space. You don't need to write any code for them.
- Applications written on one platform of java can be easily ported to another platform as it is platform independent.
- When you save your java porgram in .java and compile it then it creates the .class file and that .class file can be run in any of the platform(Windows,linux,mac etc)
Many objects are evaluated at run time and execution is carried out.
- RMI(Remote Method Invocation),EJB(Enterprise Java Beans) etc are used for creating distributed applications using java.
- Using this a program can call a method of another program running in some other computers in the network.
- Thread is a task in a process/program.
- Multithreading is multiple tasks running/executing at the same time.
- This facility is provided by java so that many tasks can be executed at the same time.
Java is an object-oriented programming language. Everything is performed using "Objects". Java can be easily extended since it is based on the object model.
Where is java is used?
Android Apps-
All android applications are written in java programming language.with Googles Android API, which is similar to JDK.
Java web applications-
Many of govt healthcare,insurence,education,defence and several other departments have their web application built in java using servelets,JSP,Structs,Spring.
Embedded System-
Java is the platform where you only need 130kb memory to use Java Technology(on a smart card or server).
Web servers and Application servers-
Apache tomcat,Simple,Jo,Rimfaxe web server(RWS) and project are web server space.
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