Modifier's, Variable's in Java.
Modifier's in Java- Modifier's are keywords that you add to those defination's to change, modify or specify their meaning there are two major types of modifiers in java. Access Non-access Access modifiers are- Public- Visible to all. Private- visible to class only. Protected- Visible to the package and all sub-class. Default- Visible to the package. Non-access modifier are- Static- The static modifier for calling methods and variables without an object to which it belongs. Final- The final modifier for finalizing the implementation of classes ,methods and variables. Abstract- Abstract modifier for creating abstract classes and methods. Synchronized and volatile- The synchronized and volatile modifiers which are used for threads. Variable's- Variables are memory locations which are reserved to store values. This implies while declaring a variable you reserve some memory. when you want to use a variable in a program, we should declare it. int x;...